1. What is your primary interest as an entrepreneur? a. Starting a new business b. Growing an existing business c. Managing a team
  2. Which of the following topics are you interested in? a. Developing a product or service b. Fundraising and investment c. Leadership and team management d. Marketing and sales e. Operations and efficiency f. Technology and innovation
  3. Which of the following summaries best describes your current needs? a. "The video explores how to find great software as a service (SaaS) ideas." b. "The article discusses the challenges of delegation for leaders." c. "Jacob Espinoza shares his experience of turning around low-performing teams."
  4. Would you like to see more options or dive deeper into any of the selected summaries?

Master the principles to become a better founder.

We search the internet, collect and distill most useful content, and deliver it to you.

Founder: Hey, I'm planning to seek seed investment. Any advice?

Friend: I highly recommend watching How to Get Meeting with Investors and Raise Money by Aaron Harris. He's a YCombinator partner and the content is extremely relevant to your needs.

Founder: Sounds helpful. How long is the video?

Friend: It's about an hour. But regardless, the video provides practical insights that are specific to your investment process.

Founder: Unfortunately, an hour is a lot of time for me right now. I need something that's quick and to the point. But I appreciate your recommendation.

Friend: All right, I hear you. What do you say if 'll watch it and extract the actionable insights for you. All you have to do is take a quick look. What do you think about that?

Founder: That would be amazing! Would you do that?

Friend: Sure!

Atomical Ideas is that friend!